Croaker Fish and Your Health!
Croaker fish belongs to the Sciaenidae family and its commonly called Drums or Croakers.
It is also the smallest member of the Sciaenidae own family of drums. The species receives its name from the croaking sound it makes from the voluntary contraction of muscle groups connected to the air bladder, which acts like a resonance chamber. They are mostly found from the Gulf of Maine to Argentina.
Croaker fish is very rich in protein; it contains an amount of omega-3 fatty acids as well as other Minerals. It belongs to the drum family which include weakfish, sport, black drum, red drum and spotted seatrout. Although commonly called Croaker, Atlantic Croaker or hardhead in the market but its scientific name is Micropogonius undulatus and it is the loudest in the drum family.
Generally speaking, we have white and yellow croaker fish which are rich in all the essential Vitamins like Vitamin A (41 IU), Vitamin B-9 (15 mg) and Vitamin B-3 (4.2 mg). It contains other minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, selenium, zinc, copper and a host of others. See table of content showing the typical nutrient composition;

The above analysis is to further help us understand and appreciate why we need this fish for a healthy living. Croaker fish is carbohydrate and sugar free. The following benefits enumerate why the consumption of Croaker fish is good for the health;
Health Benefits of Croaker Fish
So much has been mentioned about the nutritional value of Croaker fish. Let us have a look at some of the health benefits you derive from the consumption of this rare seafood;
Helps prevent heart issues:
Croaker fish is a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acid which helps to lower blood pressure, reduces the possibility of heart attack and stroke as well as reduce the chances of cardiac arrest in people already suffering from heart related issues.
- Helps prevent Anaemia:
Anaemia is a condition where the human’s hemoglobin level is low which can hinder body tissues and organs from getting enough oxygen. Iron and Vitamin B12 content in Croaker fish helps prevent anaemia especially in pregnant women.
- Strengthens Bones and Reduces the Risk of Bone related health issues:
The Calcium, Vitamin D and K content in Croaker fish helps to ensure strong bones and teeth formation in children, it also improves bone health. The consumption of Croaker fish reduces the risk of developing some bone diseases like osteoporosis and rickets in children.
- Improves eye-sight:
Croaker fish is also rich in Vitamin A which is a fat-soluble nutrient stored in the body for future use. It supports cell growth, functional immune and helps with vision. The best known function of Vitamin A is its role in vision and eye health. It helps protect and maintain the cornea.
- Good Source of Protein:
Generally speaking, fish and seafood are great source of protein because they contain low fat. Protein is important for building bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood and the body needs this in large quantity to function properly.
- Energy Giver:
In the absence of Carbohydrates, proteins also act as source of energy giver to our bodies. Croaker fish supplies good amount of this and the Vitamin B1 content in the fish helps conversion of food into energy.
- Help to Aid Digestion:
Croaker fish contains important Vitamins and Minerals that help speed digestion and its process. This fish has lots of important Vitamins and Minerals that aids nutrient absorption and maintain a healthy digestive strip.
Croaker fish can be consumed grilled, fried or prepared with tomato sauce. Different people and region have special ways they enjoy this tasty fish.
Why Grill or Fry Croaker Fish?
Grilled Croaker fish is nutritious and add extra flavor to other meals when served. Grilled croaker fish also helps retain all of its essential nutrients while seasoned or pepper fried Croaker fish is also ideal for spicy meals. Some people prefer to cook Croaker fish fresh to taste its freshness. We will do another blog content for this in the future.
It is however not out of place to maintain healthy diet by prioritizing what we consume having known that our diet means so much in terms of developing anti-bodies that help fight diseases.
Conclusively, the consumption of seafood especially Croaker fish is vital to the body owing to the nutrient they contain as enumerated above. It is therefore recommended for people seeking to maintain their mental health, build their mind, body and even have glowing skin.
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